Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Walk to Remeber: The Amazing Way by Russel S. Pernites

    This is a re-posted blog. This was first posted in my friendster blog way back December 2006. This was a product of being enamored with the Harry Potter series (I was reading HP and the Half Blood Prince When I wrote this) and the undeniable fact that ties with my high school classmates were strongly knit.

     Wednesday afternoon was boring, I was partly depressed for the death of Professor Dumbledore, having been engrossed in reading Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince courtesy of the tickler laugh Preya. After forty winks some of the team amazing came- jen, prey, nim, we took a short walk when we saw a boot, an unusual looking boot missing its pair, hanging on a tree. I grabbed it and the rest did too, we were astonished! It was a portkey! Hedonic sensations and muscle spasms as if we were stretched, bended, and folded..ahh....

    The portkey transported us to the veteran's park, less people yet around, sun starting to set. We took side glimpses then walked around while talking about anything and everything under the sun. After sitting by the sea wall, feeling the warmth of the cold breeze ( no signs of dementors but just freedom and belongingness), the whacky ideas sprouted. We decided to go up the stage not far and just stay there but unexpectedly we joined the children playing patintero beside the stage. They let us in so the game is on. Me and Jen, Nim and Prey together with the rest of the gang! They're like goblins running with us.
    The game was indeed very fun! I have stretched my muscles abruptly, I think I strained it. The rest also did I guess. The group of Nim and Prey won with a margin of two. What is surprising is the team's shared interest..hehe--childish some would think-- the passersby but the hell we care! What's important is we've enjoyed and we've got a bunch of supporters including a mother to one of the kids.We've realized as if looking through the Pensieve that we should really not miss the critical period of childhood and it is great to experience it once more. After we bade goodbye, we took a rest while quenching our thirst with a glass full of mango-shake. Some thoughts transpired. We've agreed that we have narrow sources of happiness..hip hip! Hooray! 
    That's ok!
    We've also took notice of the monicker the children gave-- bo-og, sakang, tambok, to name a few, all referring to their physical features or whatever it is obvious! It is a sad situation that children are stigmatizing fellow children but it is just a child's game! Another realization was that in children what they say passes to the other ear and mean nothing at all. A fight one minute, the next it's gone. Another shocking discovery we found in this children is their mindset, maybe due to the environment and the people they are exposed to. Obscene, frivolous, even blasphemous words come out of their mouth. We just hope they don't attach meaning to them, but just empty words used because they're swak!..hehe
    We've got no notice of the time so the team amazing decided to go home (we can't use time turners anymore). We haven't eaten supper and we should not stay so late for yet another gig tomorrow. 
    Parting time! The four turned on their backs..destination, delibertion, then disapparate!

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